
A lawsuit is always expensive, stressful and frustrating. Even “easy” cases can take years to wind their way through the court system. Parties turn to mediation as a practical way to resolve a dispute outside of the courthouse.

Mediation Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is Mediation?
A. Mediation is a method of Dispute Resolution that is voluntary, confidential and generally cooperative. An impartial individual with specific training helps individuals understand and resolve their differences. The mediator does not make decisions or compel a particular result, but assists the parties in reaching their own agreement. Mediation is an effective and positive alternative to emotionally and financially debilitating conflicts in the courtroom.

Q. How Does Mediation Work?
A. Mediations usually take place in an attorney’s office. It is nothing like a trial. The mediator splits time between the parties, assisting the parties in exchanging information and documentation. With the help of the mediator, the parties clarify their needs and interests. The mediator then helps the parties get their message across to the other side, working towards a mutually acceptable resolution.

Q. What are the Advantages of Mediation? 
AThe Parties Control the Process. In Mediation, parties have the opportunity to speak with each other in an informal, productive setting. The process reduces hostility and misunderstanding. The mediator has no power to compel a settlement or coerce anyone to do anything. The parties shape their own resolution. Mediation is Inexpensive. Typically, mediation costs a small fraction of the cost of a court battle. Mediation is Quick. Mediations can be completed in a matter of hours or days; it is completely up to the parties. In contrast, lawsuits often take years and the parties are dependent on the court’s calendar.